
Mupix is available as a command line application. If all you want to do is compare files, there is no need to write any code. Just install it and run it from the command line. It should work on most platforms. All commands return JSON data.

Mupix Read

Mupix will read symbolic music-files and return json data with Notes, Rests, Time Signatures, Key Signatures, and, Clefs. You can even choose what data you want to read by using flags -n, -r, -t, -k, -c, or have the data be indented on output by using -p.


You could read a file using the folloing:

$ mupix read ./my_musicxml_file.xml

You can pretty-print the text by using the -p option:

$ mupix -p read ./my_musicxml_file.xml

You can also use bash expansion for multiple files:

$ mupix -p read ./xml/*

Mupix Compare

Comparing two files using the command line. You can even choose what data you want to read by using flags -n, -r, -t, -k, -c, or have the data be indented on output by using -p. Or if you’re just interested in the total, you can pass -T.


You can compare two files using the following:

$ mupix compare ./ground_truth.xml ./5-D.xml

You can pretty-print the output:

$ mupix -p compare ./ground_truth.xml ./5-D.xml

You can change the Musical Marking alignment algorithm:

$ mupix compare --sort=anw-1 ./ground_truth.xml ./5-D.xml

You can choose what you wish to display, and combine commands together too:

$ mupix -nt compare ./ground_truth.xml ./5-D.xml
$ mupix -rk compare --sort=anw-1 ./ground_truth.xml ./5-D.xml
$ mupix -ntk compare --sort=basic ./ground_truth.xml ./5-D.xml

Just the total with pretty-print:

$ mupix -pT compare ./ground_truth.xml ./5-D.xml

You can even use bash expansion for multiple files to test against a single ground truth:

$ mupix -pT compare ./ground_truth.xml ./xml/*

Mupix Validate

You can check to see if the file is valid against the official MusicXML specification, this process can take ~20 seconds per file:

$ mupix validate ./testing_xml.xml

Or of multiple files:

$ mupix validate ./*

Mupix xml_finder

You can identify the type of MusicXML file, either part-wise or time-wise by using the xml_finder command:

$ mupix xml_finder ./testing_xml.xml